American Water Resources Association
How Not to Design and Regulate Onlot Residential Sewage Systems - Someone Might Be Paying Attention
James A. Schmid
Schmid & Co. Inc., Consulting Ecologists
James A. Schmid is a biogeographer and plant ecologist. Before he finished his Ph. D. at the University of Chicago, he was asked to teach ecology and environmental science in the Department of Biological Sciences at Columbia. After several years of teaching he unexpectedly took a job in environmental consulting. For a year he ran an office in Manhattan for the late Jack McCormick, working on the NJ Sports Complex and Hartz Mountain development in the Hackensack Meadowlands and Fire Island National Seashore for the National Park Service. Then he moved into McCormick's main office in Devon, where he became his vice president.
For 35 years he has had his own firm focused on wetlands, environmental impact statements, and regulatory analysis. Examples of his work can be found at
Engineers: This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate).