American Water Resources Association
Joseph V. Bellini, PE, PH, D.WRE, CFM .AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans the Country took notice of the importance of an adequate and functioning levee system. Pennsylvania has 64 levee systems with 318 levee segments included in the FEMA Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (RIP) scattered throughout the Commonwealth. A recent Report Card by ASCE on Pennsylvania’s levees gave the state a rating of C- based on “the advanced aged of the levee projects, the numerous flood prone watersheds, the residual flood risk inherent in flood damage reduction projects designed to the current flood protection standards, the population at risk, and the often underappreciated threat to public safety resulting from catastrophic levee failure.”
Most people have heard of flood zones, flood maps, and the National Flood Insurance Program NFIP) but do you know what the obligations are of the federal, state, or local governments when homes and businesses within the flood plain actually do flood and how this relates to the accreditation of levees? Or what role government plays in trying to protect these properties in the first place? Are you aware that the consequences of de-certification can be devastating to local communities, economies and its citizens with mandatory flood insurance requirements, lack of federal funding for repairs in case of a flood event, and likely loss of property values and tax base.
This presentation will cover an overview of the levee certification program, technical requirements for certification, example projects, the role of FEMA and the USACE, and the consequences of de-certification.
Note to Professional Engineer's: This seminar qualifies for 1.0 PDH. A Certificate of Attendance will be available.