American Water Resources Association
A Science-Based Regional Restoration Approach for the
This is a joint presenation by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Jennifer Adkins (Executive Director) will provide an overview of the Partnership's Regional Restoration Initiative for the Estuary. The end goal of the Initiative is to ensure that the right and most effective restoration gets done according to scientific and community principles. This comprehensive multi-jurisdictional effort is intended to: A) identify and characterize ecologically significant and/or critical species and habitats; B) outline federal and state decision-making processes that govern protection and restoration; C) identify partnership collaborating opportunities; and D) provide prioritized projects and criteria suggestions that stakeholders can use to select restoration projects and focus efforts.
Following the Partnership's presentation, Paul Racette (Watershed Programs Manager) of Pennsylvania Environmental Council will present an overview of the urban waterfront case study effort underway in Philadelphia . The urban waterfront workgroup has identified criteria for identifying and prioritizing restoration opportunties along the urban shoreline. Examples of restoration work now being initated will be previewed.
A Note To All Licensed Professional Engineer's: This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a 2011 Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3 for meeting + $7 for certificate).