American Water Resources Association
Managing Delaware River Basin Water Resources with Monitoring and Data
John Yagecic, P.E., Manager, Water Quality AssessmentDelaware River Basin Commission
The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has broad responsibility for managing water quality and quantity in the Delaware Basin. Monitoring and data are critical to carrying out this mission. This presentation will describe key DRBC monitoring programs and how the resultant data is used to manage water resources. The presentation will especially focus on novel uses of data collected by DRBC and partner organizations including near real-time assessments, interactive web applications, automated models, visualization of complex processes, and serving out data to stakeholders and the public.
Speaker Bio:
John has been with the Delaware River Basin Commission for 17 years where he is currently the Manager of Water Quality Assessment. He is a licensed engineer in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Before DRBC John worked for 9 years for the US Army Corps of Engineers in Chicago, Illinois and Galveston, Texas. He has degrees from Penn State and the University of Illinois at Chicago and is also an adjunct instructor at Temple University.
This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate).
Please note: all lunch orders will close by noon on the day before the presentation. In addition, all lunch orders will need to be paid for online by this time. We are unable to refund the cost of lunch or meeting fees because they are paid ahead of time based on number of registrations. Registration begins at 11:30am with the presentation starting promptly at 12:00pm.
Thank you!