Opportunities to Partner with Private Property Owners to Manage Stormwater
Nathan Walker, AICP
Gannett Fleming
Are there privately-owned properties that are well-suited to support your community’s stormwater management goals with new green infrastructure features (regional retention, bioswales)?
This presentation will discuss the tools available to communities to partner with private property owners on green infrastructure projects that achieve common goals.
Many municipalities that discharge stormwater under a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) permit have responsibilities to improve water quality. Water quality plans are commitments by MS4 permittees to add stormwater controls intended to reduce the discharge pollutants to local streams and groundwater. These controls are typically in the form of stormwater basin retrofits, stream restoration projects, and bioswales. Today, these water quality projects are most often proposed on land owned by the municipality. However, as MS4 permit requirements continue and water quality projects are implemented, there are fewer opportunities to locate these critical pollutant reducing projects on publicly controlled lands. Therefore, for future permit terms, it is likely that municipalities will need to turn to private lands in order to find enough suitable locations to meet their water quality improvement goals.
In this session, we will facilitate a discussion with participants to help them strategize on the best use of the following tools for their community to partner with private property owners on flood mitigation, water quality, and infrastructure operations goals.
• Property acquisition (friendly and eminent domain)
• Easement/access rights acquisition
• Maintenance agreements
• Right of first refusal
• Land development regulations
• Developer incentives
• Green infrastructure design guidelines
• Municipal grants and subsidies
• Credit policies as part of a stormwater user / utility fee
Since 1999, Nathan has advised institutional leaders, property managers, and elected officials on land use policy, permitting, and environmental stewardship issues. As a Certified Planner (AICP), he works with municipal officials as they strive to reach their goals for economic development, dynamic neighborhoods, and healthy environments. Nathan serves as the Chair of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association’s (PWEA) Stormwater Committee; and is a member of the Delaware Watershed Committee updating the Pennsylvania State Water Plan. He earned a BS in Earth & Environmental Sciences from Lehigh University and an MS in Community & Regional Planning from Temple University.
This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate).
Please note: Presentation is to be given through Zoom at the link below. PDH's will be issued through PDFs. Please allow extra time to register through Zoom and get software set up. Presentation will start at noon. Early participants will be in a Waiting Room until noon. Participants must email AWRA.PMAS@gmail.com to request PDH Certificate after the event.
Presentation at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81343322645
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