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AWRA Philadelphia
American Water Resources Association
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Does Stream Restoration Really Create Habitat? - Quantifying Instream Habitat Using Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Analysis
Does Stream Restoration Really Create Habitat? - Quantifying Instream Habitat Using Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Analysis
21 Jun 2012
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
One Parkway Building, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor Conference Room, Philadelphia, PA
Spaces left
2 registrants
(depends on selected options)
Base fee:
Member - Non-Vegetarian Lunch – $8.00
Member - Vegetarian Lunch – $8.00
Member (Meeting Only)
Non-Member - Non-Vegetarian Lunch – $11.00
Non-Member - Vegetarian Lunch – $11.00
Non-Member (Meeting Only) – $3.00
Registration is closed
Does Stream Restoration Really Create Habitat? - Quantifying Instream Habitat Using Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Analysis
Gerald Bright, Aquatic Biologist
Philadelphia Water Department
The science of stream restoration has progressed steadily in its application from pure stream bank stabilization to the placement of large instream structures and diversions and into the current paradigm of Natural Stream Channel Design. Despite the progression observed in the application of stream restoration concepts, little progress has been made in the application of post-construction monitoring techniques, specifically techniques capable of quantitatively assessing the success or failure of a project.
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) has taken an active role in physical, biological and chemical monitoring within the stream networks comprising the five watersheds that span the City of Philadelphia. Physical monitoring has been consistent with tradition fluvial geomorphic assessment schemes; however, the increased use and application of two-dimensional hydrodynamic models has prompted changes in the PWD physical assessment protocol. The program River2D was used to model both the pre-restoration and post-restoration channel and floodplain bathymetries of an approximately 3,000 LF urban stream reach in Tacony Creek, Philadelphia. Instream channel hydraulic parameters and WUA for three fish guilds were then compared between the two model domains in order to determine quantitatively, if stream restoration created a net uplift in terms of habitat and resilience to watershed processes.
Gerald W. Bright Jr. is an Environmental Scientist with the Philadelphia Water Department’s Office of Watersheds, where he works in the Ecological Restoration Group. His work entails physical and bio-monitoring of PWD’s stream restoration and wetland creation projects, hydrodynamic and habitat modeling as well as public education and outreach. He also serves as a project manager for stream restoration and wetland creation projects and is a standing member of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). Gerald completed his undergraduate work in biology at Howard University and graduated from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies with a Master’s degree in Environmental Science.
This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a 2012 Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate). Please note: all registrations for lunch orders close by 9:00 AM on the day of the presentation. Thank you!
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