American Water Resources Association
Topic: Urban and Suburban Stormwater Best Management Practices
Featured Speakers: Antonio F. Federici, PWS, Sr. Ecologist, URS Corporation and Adam Krom, AICP, Planner, WRT/Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Please note that this month we will return to our regular meeting location: 1515 Arch St, 18th Floor
Suburban Stormwater BMPs - Antonio F. Federici Rain Garden Design Strategies and Lessons Learned
This presentation will detail the design, installation, and post-construction condition of a functioning rain garden and infiltration trench which captures runoff from a public parking lot in Roslyn Park (Ambler, PA). Mr. Federici will also highlight other regional projects and some lessons learned through design and installation of the BMPs.
Urban Stormwater BMPs - Adam Krom
Is another "Green Revolution" about to start - this time in our streets, parking lots, and roofscapes? Urban stormwater best managment practices continue to involve, and are now mergimg with urban design, architecture, and transportation in a holistic approach to "greening" the city. This presentation will focus on how green stormwater infrastructure in the urban realm can also create a much more livable and even properous city.